Currents of Touch (Starlit Few) Part 2

By: Anonymous

Words carry the most trivial weight of emotion. They are stones in a river, flowing in a gust. 

This electricity, this passion, this pair of eyes I call mine. When the time was right, I saw a 

different light in these sockets than with any other. 

The way the head turns is meticulous, the way the neck folds is immaculate, the way the body glistens is marvellous.

The electric touch, the sensational scent. If this be a sin, then so be it. If this be a crime so bear it. This feeling is true and cannot be rejected.

The emotions are raging, the warmth is glowing, the energy amongst us most unwavering.

Rational? Perhaps. Stupid? One might say. But Love? Most definitely. What has rationale done for us? What do labels have to do with anything? And what has the world blessed us with?

It blessed a presence of one to another, I hardly dream otherwise. If this be it, it must be so. But to 

lie by your side, I lie in ecstasy. 

Whether drowsy or alert, I am beyond bliss. Perhaps the words that carry so little must be uttered once more. But those eyes, no matter the words, already confirm what these words dare to accomplish.  

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