By: Jisara W
One of the defining features that sets us apart from non-living things is our ability to feel—to experience, express, and respond to different emotions. Our brains play a pivotal role in shaping these emotional experiences, particularly the limbic system. Within this system, the amygdala, hippocampus, and hypothalamus work together to interpret emotional signals and regulate our responses. One of these strong emotions inhibited by humans is none other than love. The phrase, “All is fair in love and war”, even implies that being in love can drive us to irrationality, to do things that are illogical, cruel and out of character.
From a scientific perspective, love is simply a series of chemical reactions. When we fall in love, the brain releases a cocktail of neurotransmitters and hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. Therefore, love is undeniably real, at least biologically—evident with how our body responds to love. In fact, there have been studies using MRI scans which revealed that when individuals view pictures of someone they love, their brain responds with neural patterns seen in those experiencing addiction—triggering the reward and pleasure centers of the brain. In addition, the foolish choices we make can be attributed to the feel-good chemicals overriding our rational thought, an effect similar to taking a powerful drug.
On the other hand, philosophers and poets might argue that love as something transcendent—one that defies logical explanation and carries meaning beyond the confines of biology. In the modern day, people have begun to see love as not a magical miracle or a hoax, but as a choice. It is something that one chooses to fall into, and to continue even if the initial spark wears down. Whether viewed through the lens of a scientist or the heart of a poet, love will continue to shape our lives in mysterious ways. So, as Valentine’s Day approaches, perhaps the real question isn’t whether love is real or a hallucination, but rather how we choose to experience and define it.